Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Communications

As I pondered what I was going to do for a communications log I determined that the best possible solution   was to create a blog to document my interactions, allow transparency through this learning process and to keep a timeline of postings.  I hope this works out!

Communications form this weekend:

1.  Friday - Students received from me a summary of student performance on summative assessment, data was reported and publicly displayed.  Performance was communicated to colleagues and supervisors and members of my PLN (Professional Learning Network).  Results of the final assessment can be found here.

I also enrolled into a social networking site for teachers that do what is called Flip teaching.  I hope to here exchange ideas about how to flip teach better than I currently am and listen to tips and tricks from others that are currently flip teaching.

2.  Friday - So Google Blogger had been down for nearly 20+ hours and I was unable to do this week's top 10 lists but on Thursday I added a post on lLearning about Leadership from General Stanley McChrystal.

As blogger came back online I noticed my post was removed.  I tweeted that I lost my post from Thursday and received a response form a tweep that he had my post and could e-mail it to me.  He did and I reposted the blog post from Thursday.  I was amazed by the power of twitter and the relative ease I could use the help of others to reclaim something I had lost.  I began to be reminded of just how connected we all are.

3.  Friday night I had the opportunity to catch up on my google reader since my wife was having a "girls night."  My reader had been basically untouched since april 15th so there was quiet a large number of entries to view, read, respond to.  As I read the over 1000+ posts I tweeted resources, and added items to my resources document that I use to create my top 10 lists each week.  I got this list down to 600, but much more was left.

4.  Saturday - I finished my google reader down to zero I continued to tweet resources, and added items to my resources document that I use to create my top 10 lists each week.  I interacted with teachers all over the world throughout that day, it was great professional development.  I also realized that applications were now being accepted for Google Teacher Academy.  This is on my bucket list of things I want to do before I die, so I started my application.  I tweeted that I started my application and received a message from a Google Certified Teacher in Los angeles.  Ken extended his hand at helping me with my video and said he'd support me when/if I had any questions.  Knowing someone that has gone through the process already successfully puts my mind at ease.

5.  Sunday - Had lunch with former student athletes, tweeted a little, posted items onto facebook for my friends, posted items on facebook for my parents of current 6th graders (we have a group on facebook for the parents that I teach to communicate with them).  Received a couple e-mails from students working on their projects for class and replied with instructions.

Considering Communications
When considering communications I try and use a variety of resources and interact with as many people as I can from around the world.  I want to gain access to varying views, new ideas, and people who push the envelope like I do.  I want to surround myself with the greatest minds in education with the best ideas and learn from them.  I want to mentor others, I want to help them grow, I was to be needed, cared for, and valued as a voice.

As those blog continues I hope to be able to reflect at the end and see growth in the depth of the communication and focus on specific ways I can improve clarity and collegiality through communication opportunities.

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