Saturday, May 28, 2011

Consistency on a Webpage

What do you want your website to do?

What are the expectations of the website?

What should it do?

Most importantly, what should it NOT do?

This is the question our Technology Leadership Group is trying to understand.

We are currently using an outside company to assist us in the organization, structure and hosting of our website.  We have an increasing number of teachers leaving this service to create their website on a program on their computer call iWeb and publishing that page they create from that software to an in district intranet server.  Basically, we have two services running within the district.

Why did we choose paradigm?  
They are a small St. Louis based company that have some structures in place to assist us in create a consistent experience for those that view our website.

So what's the problem?
Teachers have become increasingly upset about the interface they have to post information, resources, links, images, etc. to the website.  Since that experience in broken, it's caused teachers to start asking questions about this service and begin developing new expectations of what a website should be.

Starting discussions:

  • What are the timelines for evaluating this resource?
  • What should a website be/do?
  • What more can the Paradigm company offer us?
  • What are all the stakeholders opinions of the service as it is to date (parents, students, teachers)?
  • What are the options to change this resource?
  • What is the cost and time allotment necessary to shift resources should the stakeholders feel a change is necessary?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Log for today: Human resources and communication

When you apply for a job, isn't that application a statement that there are people that WANT to work in your district?  I would assume based on the number and type of job applicants I receive as a member of a human resource department it is a reflection on the status and interest people have in my district.

This post comes from an experience I had when applying for a position.

Last year I applied at this school district and was granted an interview.  The communication to me as an interviewee lacked detail.  I arrived early to my interview, I sat there and waited for almost 30 minutes before someone greeted me.  This means that I wasn't even recognized until 15 minutes after my scheduled interview time.  In addition when I was greeted I was asked to wait an additional amount of time.  Once the interview was over I was asked to complete a writing sample, not communicated to me as part of the process.  Now, this normall would not bother me but due to the timing of the interview I missed my entire planning period that day and would not make it back for my next class.  This lack of consideration and communication on behalf of the district really turned me off.

I made it to the final of the position and the final interview was even worse.  I didn't enter the interview until an hour after my scheduled interview time.  This was an evening interview so I did not have to be anywhere else, it was just very off putting and very disappointing.

I applied for two positions on two separate times this year to this same district.  I completed all the necessary paperwork, completed all the online documentation, had a number of current employees in the district e-mail the building principals at two different buildings.  I received no phone call, no e-mail, no communication about an interview, an interview process starting without me, or the filling of the position.

Why does this bother me?  

I have a level of expectation.  I believe in transparency and consistent and clear communication   I develop systems to give feedback and feel that this communication whether it's inside or outside of my district says something about how I value people, their time, effort and energy.

All in all, I will NOT apply for a position in this district in the future.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Log for today

Every morning when I get up I check my phone for e-mails while the shower heats up.  Both my personal and profesional messages all go to my phone.

I get to work and respond to any that required more than just checking.

I attended the normal team meeting at 10:30 and we finalize to do list items for people for our Friday field trip.  There are some students that due to behavior concerns are being told they are not coming.  They will be pulled in tomorrow to be given the bad news.  Their behavior has put them in a position where they will not be attending the field trip.  I was asked to contact parents for additional chaperones.

I check my parent folder and begin sending out direct e-mails to parents that will get along with the rest of us during the day.  Parents that will enhance the field trip experience not take away from it.

I posted pictures and an update of what we did in class today on facebook for our 39 parents that are a member of our group.

I updated our team homework hotline page for tonights assignments.

I ave a student that came unprepared for class, I mean with nothing.  This is the third time he has came to my class (and to school) in the last week with no materials, nothing.  In class we are working on an end of the year project.  Since he has no materials I sent him to the office to send him to the ISS room.  Since his friends are in my room focused, the last thing I want is him distracting the other focused students.  The office today was busy with fights, and end of the year general craziness of middle schoolers.

There has been no communication of expectation over the last two weeks of school, no communication of the continued focus on education, no reminders, no words to live by over the last few weeks, no increased supervision in specific areas.  Its really a hold on for dear life/lets kick them all out of school mentality.  This lack of communication of increased expectations and increased supervision is causing for an unfocused school.  The last few weeks of school are a different time with increased attention to detail and focus on high expectations.  The key is to keep kids focused, increase supervision and increase eyes in the hallway and in common areas.  It's not that Middle schoolers are bad, they are not, but the extra eyes and ears will be a steady reminder of what we are here for.

I tweeted for someone to skype in and make a few recommendations on how to determine the validity of a webpage.  I'm waiting to get a volunteer.  I just feel kids need to hear the same info from someone else.

I ended my day with a Youtube video on the power of words, The Right Words.  I realized just how much changing what you say, even with the same meaning can alter the outcome, enjoy:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Communications

As I pondered what I was going to do for a communications log I determined that the best possible solution   was to create a blog to document my interactions, allow transparency through this learning process and to keep a timeline of postings.  I hope this works out!

Communications form this weekend:

1.  Friday - Students received from me a summary of student performance on summative assessment, data was reported and publicly displayed.  Performance was communicated to colleagues and supervisors and members of my PLN (Professional Learning Network).  Results of the final assessment can be found here.

I also enrolled into a social networking site for teachers that do what is called Flip teaching.  I hope to here exchange ideas about how to flip teach better than I currently am and listen to tips and tricks from others that are currently flip teaching.

2.  Friday - So Google Blogger had been down for nearly 20+ hours and I was unable to do this week's top 10 lists but on Thursday I added a post on lLearning about Leadership from General Stanley McChrystal.

As blogger came back online I noticed my post was removed.  I tweeted that I lost my post from Thursday and received a response form a tweep that he had my post and could e-mail it to me.  He did and I reposted the blog post from Thursday.  I was amazed by the power of twitter and the relative ease I could use the help of others to reclaim something I had lost.  I began to be reminded of just how connected we all are.

3.  Friday night I had the opportunity to catch up on my google reader since my wife was having a "girls night."  My reader had been basically untouched since april 15th so there was quiet a large number of entries to view, read, respond to.  As I read the over 1000+ posts I tweeted resources, and added items to my resources document that I use to create my top 10 lists each week.  I got this list down to 600, but much more was left.

4.  Saturday - I finished my google reader down to zero I continued to tweet resources, and added items to my resources document that I use to create my top 10 lists each week.  I interacted with teachers all over the world throughout that day, it was great professional development.  I also realized that applications were now being accepted for Google Teacher Academy.  This is on my bucket list of things I want to do before I die, so I started my application.  I tweeted that I started my application and received a message from a Google Certified Teacher in Los angeles.  Ken extended his hand at helping me with my video and said he'd support me when/if I had any questions.  Knowing someone that has gone through the process already successfully puts my mind at ease.

5.  Sunday - Had lunch with former student athletes, tweeted a little, posted items onto facebook for my friends, posted items on facebook for my parents of current 6th graders (we have a group on facebook for the parents that I teach to communicate with them).  Received a couple e-mails from students working on their projects for class and replied with instructions.

Considering Communications
When considering communications I try and use a variety of resources and interact with as many people as I can from around the world.  I want to gain access to varying views, new ideas, and people who push the envelope like I do.  I want to surround myself with the greatest minds in education with the best ideas and learn from them.  I want to mentor others, I want to help them grow, I was to be needed, cared for, and valued as a voice.

As those blog continues I hope to be able to reflect at the end and see growth in the depth of the communication and focus on specific ways I can improve clarity and collegiality through communication opportunities.